Lana Turner
A Journal of Poetry & Opinion Editors: Cal Bedient and David Lau. Reading period: March through April, 2025. Submit up to five pages of poetry to [email protected]. (The reading period may possibly be extended for a few weeks, depending on the results of the period stated. Watch the website for news. Please do not send inquiries about an extension.) We do not use Submittable (too much bureaucratic machinery). The two editors do all the reading. Submit up to five pages of poetry to [email protected]. Exceptions are made in the case of long poems. Please send the poems in one Word document. Send Word documents only. Accompanying PDFs clutter up our screens. But if you are convinced that your delicate arrangement might shatter via the transfer, a PDF is acceptable. We look for advanced work that departs (at least a step or two!) from previous poetry. Submit poems only once in the reading period. The poems should be previously unpublished. We also welcome short, concise, sophisticated essays on art, movies, music, philosophy, politics – in short, belonging to the field of the humanities. IMPORTANT: the title of the submission file should begin with your last name to make it easy to find, if necessary. If you do not receive a terse "received" soon after submitting, inquire about it. Some files get lost or are ghosts that are not actually transmitted. We are eager to see your work. Thank you for thinking of us. We are a pa and pa store and have no backing, except for the pension of one of the editors. We make no profit (on the contrary) and regret that we cannot pay. |